###### MacroLibX, a rewrite of 42 School's MiniLibX using SDL2 and Vulkan. The goal of this version is to provide a light, fast, and modern graphical tool while keeping the same API. ## 🖥️ Installation ### Dependencies You first need to install the proper dependencies for your operating-system. #### 🐧 Linux Here are a few common cases for different Linux distributions:
For Ubuntu/Debian-based distros:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-dev build-essential
For ArchLinux-based distros:
sudo pacman -S sdl2
#### 🍎 macOS [MacroLibX](#) on macOS requires [SDL2](#) and [MoltenVK](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/MoltenVK). You can install both using the [Homebrew](https://brew.sh) package manager: ```sh brew install molten-vk brew install SDL2 ``` ### 🪟 Windows To build on Windows you may need to use the [xmake](https://xmake.io) build. [Here's](./XMAKE_BUILD.md) how you can use it. ### Clone and Build Finally, you can clone the Git repository. When inside it, run the GNU `make` command to compile MacroLibX. ```bash git clone https://github.com/420verfl0w/MacroLibX.git cd MacroLibX make ``` ## 🔨 Compile your project To compile your project with MacroLibX, you just provide the shared library path in your compilation/linking command: ```sh clang myApp.c /path/to/MacroLibX/libmlx.so -lSDL2 ``` And you can enjoy your project


## ⚙️ Some compilation configurations ### 📦 Compile mode By default the mlx is built in release mode but you can switch to debug by using `make DEBUG=true`. ### 🛠️ Set the toolchain If you want to use `GCC` to build the mlx you can use `make TOOLCHAIN=gcc` ### ⚠️⚠️⚠️ 🖼️ Image optimisations ⚠️⚠️⚠️ If you run into glitches when writing or reading pixels from images you can turn off images optimisations by using `make IMAGES_OPTIMIZED=false`. ### 🖥️ Force the integrated GPU (not recommended) You can force the mlx to use your integrated GPU by using `make FORCE_INTEGRATED_GPU=true`. Note that there are a lot of chances that your application crashes by using that. ### 💽 Dump the graphics memory The mlx can dump it's graphics memory use to json files every two seconds by enabling this option `make GRAPHICS_MEMORY_DUMP=true`. ## License This project and all its files, except the [`third_party`](./third_party) directory or unless otherwise mentionned, are licenced under the [MIT license](./LICENSE).